V-dog Partners with PETA to Help Dogs

PETA is on a mission to improve the lives of dogs by providing basic necessities like food and shelter. Their doghouse program is especially impactful during the summer, when outdoor dogs struggle to escape the scorching heat.

"We want all dogs to live indoors with families who love them, but PETA works in areas where many people are unfamiliar with the concept of allowing dogs inside and where the law allows dogs to be chained around the clock," says PETA.

By sponsoring a doghouse through PETA, you'll bring shelter and relief to a lonely pup. V-dog is currently matching every sponsorship gift by donating 5 pounds of vegan dog food for PETA to distribute to vulnerable dogs.

Donate here to provide food and shelter to these backyard dogs.

Learn more about PETA's doghouse program here.


V-dog makes 100% vegan and cruelty-free products for your pup! Since 2005, thousands of dogs of all shapes and sizes have thrived on our complete and balanced kibble. Learn more about what we do here.


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