"Our family made a decision to become vegan a few months ago, after our old dog's passing and before we got the new adorable addition to our family. It was a moral and ethical choice for all of us including the kids, and we were surprised by the variety and quality of products available on the market for people so we looked into the dog options as well. We feel very fortunate that we found V-Dog! Firstly, V-Dog is the only company that sells ONLY vegan food. I would much rather partner with a company like that than one that markets vegan food (or so it claims) to the small segment of consumers while getting most of its profits from the products derived from dead and dying animals not fit for human, and therefore animal, consumption. I was a little apprehensive at first because V-dog did not offer puppy food but after reading some testimonials and with the absence of choice, we went for it. Our puppy LOVES it. He gains about 3-4 lbs a week and in the 3 weeks that we've had him, he more than doubled his body weight from 12 to 25 lbs. Sometime we add a bit of canned pumpkin or rice to his food for healthy digestion as well as coconut oil. He also loves apples, bananas, cucumbers and of course, any other vegan protein that my children eat as a treat.

V-dog has it all, and even a small puppy (well, a large puppy but still a baby) is not lacking anything. He coat is great, eyes clear, and he is a rolling adorable ball of fuzz. Cars stop on the street to take pictures and people run across to pet him. We got some dirty looks and some outright 'you are going to kill your dog' / 'dog are carnivores' comments from people at the dog park whose treats we politely refused explaining that Mishka was a vegan dog. Our vet however, was wholeheartedly supportive. I took our baby in expecting to have to prove that the food was ok for him. I printed out a list of ingredients but never got to show it. Instead I got an immediate 'It's great stuff, continue feeding him this food. He is obviously doing great on it!' vote of approval from the vet.

Thank you V-dog for keeping our puppy happy and healthy and for allowing our entire family, including our dog, to stick to our principles!"


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